Posts Tagged ‘survival’

Originally I started this blog because I needed an outlet for what I felt about the way we live in the 21st Century. Or maybe just the way I live as it would be egotistical to believe that I am representative of the population at large.

I will probably continue with that sort of commentary, but in addition, for those who might be interested, I will be posting about something that has long been an avid interest of mine; Survival.

These days you can find an immense amount of information about every aspect of this subject: Urban Survival, Backwoods Survival, Surviving Natural and Man-Made Disasters, Surviving Terrorist Attacks, Surviving Off-Grid, Surviving On-Grid but Under the Radar and on and on and on!

I will probably wander around among all these genres, and then some, as I am as interested in skinning squirrels as I am in surviving a terrorist attack.

There has always been something in me that wants to be outside, under the trees, exploring, being self-sufficient. Maybe it started when I was a kid, heavily influenced by classic stories of Robin Hood, or immersed in a huge leather-bound book of Norse myths borrowed from a neighbour.

There just seemed something right about at least knowing how to live like they did, even though I actually inhabit a world where food comes from a store and shelter is a brick house made by someone else, and security comes in the form of a uniformed police officer.

Life wasn’t always like that, and it may not be like that again, some time in the future.

So for anyone interested, that is what I will be concentrating on in future posts.

For the uninitiated, my first introduction to the survival way of thinking came when I picked up a copy of  the SAS Survival Guide by John “Lofty” Wiseman. The link will take you to their website, but I found this illuminating tome long before the internet was public knowledge.

So anyway, stay tuned for more, if you are interested, or dismiss me as a loon and move on, if you are not.

Until next time, stay safe and be prepared.

Navigator 21 out.

The night of December 21 2013 my corner of the world was plunged out of the 21st century and back to a version of the dark ages, literally, thanks to an ice storm that crippled the city and knocked out power to over a quarter million people.

The perfect opportunity to return to my survivalist roots and assemble my emergency response supplies, the equipment that would save my household and neighbours from the impending doom of the marauders that would certainly descend under cover of darkness.

Of course, when I woke and saw there was no power I went back to bed for a couple or four hours.

When we did get out of bed it was time to put the plan in action. Set up the Coleman stove on the porch (because my wife insisted on following the safety warning about not operating the thing inside) and making some instant coffee, putting together a breakfast of crusty bread, pate and cheese.

Then it was time to collect all the flashlights, batteries and candles in one place, because emergency services were warning that we’re looking at 72 hours before power is restored (yes, I have a battery operated radio). And along with lighting supplies, let’s get the air pistols and tactical tomahawk ready to use, just in case.

And all the while the house is getting colder.

Luckily we still had hot water, so we were able to shower by candlelight. And while I was in the shower the power came back on, and then we were plunged back into the 21st century.

So that’s that, then.

Navigator 21 out.