Posts Tagged ‘dallas’

Judgement Day

Posted: October 2, 2014 in Uncategorized
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Ebola has entered North America in an uncontrolled way. The carrier lied to get here, his family is quarantined by armed guards because they can not be trusted to stay in their dwelling. Eighty other people with whom the carrier came into contact are being trusted to quarantine themselves.

Do the math. How many people do you contact each day? And if you were infected? And how many did each of come into contact with? Like the old shampoo commercial, I told two friends, and she told two friends…

Do the math.

And then check the news. Are we experiencing airport shutdowns, border closures, enforced quarantine?


We are getting platitudes, “we are confident that the spread will be minimal”.

What is minimal?

In a world with 6.5 billion people, wouldn’t the population of, say, Dallas, seem minimal?

I’m not trying to start a fire here, but people have to start thinking for themselves and stop trusting the easy lies.

N21 out for now